
ACTIVATED – 2025-01-20 0700-1900

The radio room at the Virginia EOC is currently activated and will be staffed for the period listed above.

If you are another ham radio organization trying to make contact with us, please see our 205 below for which repeaters and HF frequencies we are attempting to monitor through out the day. We cannot monitor everything but try to rotate as best as possible, giving priority to the areas that we know have ham radio teams active.

We are always on HF voice (+/- for event coordination and QRM) and continually checking our Winlink mailbox.

Our preferred method of contact is Winlink, so if you can use that, please try first. We do not coordinate P2P sessions during activations at this time.

New this event is DMR capability in the radio room. We will be monitoring TAC B (27502) on the DMRVA Network. For this event, TAC B will be “always-on” for the RIC and ALX sites, all other sites will continue to be PTT-activated and on a timer.

Also, if you have telephone access, give us a call! If it works, let’s use it to coordinate as efficiently as possible.